酸谈苦辣咸味道之源,海北天南风俗人情诉不完!瓜果飘香菜根奇谭,一年又一年伴着浓情思家园!中华大地物产丰富各具特色,回味中,味道不只是味蕾的记忆更是一份挥之不去的牵挂!特产指某地特有的或特别著名的产品,一定要有历史,最好有文化内涵。在英文中,特产译作speciality product或Specialty,后者特指“特制独特品种或具有特殊优势的项目或产品”(An item or a product of a distinctive kind or of particular superiority),强调品质上具有“特别的或独特的状况或品质”(The quality of being special or distinctive)。有时为了强调特产的地域特性,使用special local product来表示地方特产,相当于汉语中的“土特产”的概念。这里欢迎各地特产经销商加盟合作!

Acid on Kula salty taste of faraway, custom and human feelings against a never-ending! Fruit fragrance roots brown, year after year with the thought of home! The earth is rich with their own characteristics, aftertaste, taste not only taste memory is more of a lingering! Products that are endemic or famous special product, must have the best historical, cultural connotation. In English, speciality product or Specialty products, the latter refers to " a distinctive variety or has special advantages of the product or project " ( An item or a product of a distinctive kind or of particular superiority ), emphasizing the quality of "special or unique status or quality " ( The quality of being special or distinctive ). Sometimes in order to emphasize the special geographical characteristics, use special local product to represent the local specialty, the Chinese equivalent of " native " concept. Welcome all dealers to join this specialty cooperation!
