宋朝苏轼的《酒子赋》:“顾无以酢二子之勤兮,山妙语为琼瑰。” 宋朝黄庭坚 的《次韵文潜同游王舍人园》:“扫花坐晚吹,妙语益难忘。” 清代李渔的《闲情偶寄·词曲上·词采》:“此等妙语,止可作文字观,不得作传奇观。”历代骚客各有各心中的妙语意境和风流!时至今朝,传媒业在新世纪出现了迅猛发展的势头,主要标志不仅仅是传播方式、承载手段越来越现代化,而且还在于它的基本内容及影响受众的形式远远突破了上世纪九十年代的模式,呈现出信息容量大、影响层次深,令人目不暇接,从而选择性增强,主持艺术就面临着各种挑战和压力,为此,创新风格的主持和得体的场面控制就显得尤为重要了!说话是人人都会的事儿,可是要做到口若悬河 ,滔滔不绝 ,出口成章, 妙语连珠, 侃侃而谈,语惊四座 ,才辩无双那需要丰厚的学识和人生阅历,主持人是一场节目好看不好看的关键,一个好的主持人不是由着舞台,而是操纵舞台!非瞳逸响的主持人各有风格各有特点各有优势,不求万众瞩目星光熠熠,但愿一份真挚心存感恩!再大的SHWO平和相待,再小的活动必须全力以赴!这是立场和原则更是职业操守!妙,完美中的轻松,极致中的恬淡,我们用麦克诉说别样的主持人生,大话爱与被爱的精彩过程!

At present, the media industry in the new century appeared the impetus of swift and violent development, main mark is not only transmission mode, load bearing means more and more modernized, but also the basic content and influence audience form has far exceeded the ninety 's of last century model, showing a large information capacity, influence of deep level, dizzying, thereby selective enhancement, hosting art is facing all sorts of challenges and pressure, therefore, innovative style and presided over the appropriate scene control is particularly important! Speech is everyone 's thing, but to do talk rapidly., off the reel, stammering, sparkling discourse, speak with fervour and assurance, Mai, to argue that needs matchless rich knowledge and life experience, the host is a program is good-looking key, a good host is not a stage by stage, but manipulation! A pupil of Yi rang host each style has a characteristic each have an advantage each, not much attention the stars, I wish a sincere gratitude!
